4 Limiting Beliefs That Hold You Back And How To Reframe Them

subconscious reprogramming Aug 16, 2022
Person walking through a snowy forest contemplating their limiting beliefs and which beliefs are holding them back from living the life they desire

I believe you can achieve everything you want in life. But if we’re being honest, there are limiting beliefs inside of us that hold us back from reaching our full potential. It’s like a voice in our head telling us “no, you can’t do this…that’s too hard for you…you don’t have what it takes to succeed.”

The good news is that once we identify these beliefs, we can change them so they no longer hinder our efforts at achieving what we desire for our lives. Within this article I am going to share the top limiting beliefs I notice come up within the work I do with my clients, providing you with some powerful questions to ask yourself to help you begin reframing your beliefs to serve you, instead of hindering your potential!


What are limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are those all consuming negative thoughts, your doubts and fears, your inner critic, and the old stuck emotions that inform your present and your future. These beliefs can come from any past experience, trauma ("Big T or little t"), or modeling we downloaded from parents, culture, religion, etc. 

They are also your opinions, state of mind, and the things you believe to be true…outside of fixed absolutes for example: the sun will rise in the morning.

Most often they are unconscious, but sometimes we are completely aware that these thoughts are running the show! 


The four common limiting beliefs I see among my clients

 And some reframes to shed some perspective on what is possible…
1. I can't / I can't because______.
  • Why not? Why not YOU?!  Everything that comes after this question is a belief that needs to be released and reframed, so you can access how to create that for yourself. 
  • When are you going to give yourself the choice to be able to do it? 
  • Maybe you can't do it today, but you can start moving towards it, can't you? 


2. I'm not good enough / I don't know enough
 (The good old comparison trap... wink wink)
  • Compared to who exactly?
  • What is it that you do know (or are good at) that would be helpful for others right now? 
  • Isn't practice the best way to improve and learn? 
  • Any mistakes along the way provide the necessary feedback to help you get better, don't they?


3.  I don't have time / I'm not ready
  • It's not a matter of how ready you are, but how committed you are. 
  • What are you not focusing on that's preventing you from prioritizing the time for something that's important to you? 
  • What would it take for you to make the time to create the necessary changes?


4. It's hard…
  • Isn't it harder to keep doing the things the way you are without getting the results that you want?
  • Does it have to be hard?
  • Are there easier ways that you haven't thought of that are worth trying?

I hope these tips will help you to overcome your limiting beliefs and start living a life that you love. If you find yourself blaming, complaining, or all up in your excuses, it doesn't have to be that way! When you're ready to commit (ahem…why not right now?) to making change, it can be easy with the right help.Check out my 1:1 Coaching or Group Program to create change at the subconscious mind, where real shifts happen.


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